All posts in Vision

What will be your story? 

Do you ever stop and think what your life  will be like 30, 40, or 50 years from now? If you haven’t done this give it a try…Covey called this technique “…thinking with the end in mind. “

The house above started my mind thinking about how my life would look 20 years from now.  I like this house and its features. I can see myself relaxing on the porch. And cool round room above the porch would be my reading room.

More importantly this house will hold the pictures of me and the millions of people I taught leadership to throughout my life.  People who went on to build great companies and serve thousands of employees by providing great careers.  This is what I want out of my life.

Because of this vision, I am now I am revamping my plan for this year to make that vision a reality in my life 20 years from now.  Life is about choices and you have to choose everyday to live the life you want.

So how about you? What does your story look like? Are you on the path to achieve it?

You always can adjust your direction to get to a different destination.

Let me know how you are doing. Send me a note or reply in the comments.

Achieving goals alone is hard work…It’s better working together!!

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